martes, 21 de octubre de 2014

The Reading Palm

Palm Reading is the art of reading people´s futures, using the lines on the palm of their hands. This is called a pseudoscience, because it cannot be scientifically prved. It was popular in ancient Greece.

A Heart line

Is there a very long line? You are a loving person. Great!
Is there a fine line? Your only think about yourself
Not very good, eh?
Is there a straight line? You are very aggressive! Oh no!

My heart line

I have got a long line in my palm. 
I have got a fine line.
I am not a aggressive person.

B Head line

Have you got a short and straight line? You are very passionate
Have you got a long line? Your are very energetic.
Have you got a broken line? You are selfish. That is not very good

My heard line

I have got a short and straight line in my palm. I am a very passionate person
But I am not a energetic or selfish, because I haven´t got a long or broken line

C Life line

Is there a long and straight line? Your have got a long life! Marvellous!
Is there a fine line? You are very nervous. Be calm!
Is there a broken line? You have got a happy life. Congratulations!

My life line

I haven´t got any line.

D Destiny line

Have you got a long and straight line? You are very successful!
Have you got a broken line? You haven´t got much money! Oh no!
Have you got a short line? You are hard-working! Well done!

My destiny line

I have got long and straight line. I am a very successful person
I have got a broken line. I haven´t got much money. 
But I haven´t got a short line. I am not a hard-working person

E Success line

Is there a very fine line? You are successful. Very good!
Is there a very long line? You have got glory and fame
Can I have your autograph?

My success line

I haven´t got any line

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